ISIN Code ES0184262212 Sector Consumer Goods
Ticker VIS Subsector Food and Beverage
Private Meetings Armando ARES MATEOS (Chief IR&Corp. Communications Officer)
Fernando Beguiristain Lahuerta (Investor Relations)

The main business of the Viscofan Group is the production and sale of artificial cellulose, (large- and small-calibre) collagen, fibrous and plastic casings for meat products.

Viscofan is world leader in this market thanks to solid organic growth recorded since its foundation and a successful acquisition policy that have allowed not only gain scale, but also achieve geographical, technological and productive diversification.

Viscofan is the only supplier in the world to make artificial casings for meat products in the four commercially available technologies. It has the broadest range of high-quality products on its market, with an emphasis on technological innovation and the ability to adapt to its customers' requirements.

Viscofan currently has casing production sites in Spain, Germany, Brazil, the US, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Serbia, China and Uruguay, and commercial offices in the mentioned countries  plus  Canada, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Russia and Thailand. The production sites of the IAN group (vegetable food business), are located in Spain.

The Group has a network of representatives covering more than 100 countries in all the world's affording it a fully international and broad view of the global meat-processing industry's requirements.

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